秉持著循環經濟概念以及環境氣候議題,運用回收材、老物、廢件, 以工藝手法轉化製成具有功能性的日常物件。
在每一個日常瞬間當中,這些不經意的動作與受者間的關聯以幽微的形式存在,在主動與被動當中取得一種動態平衡。其物件本身與一種特殊地景- 石林所連結,堅硬的石灰岩床經過地殼抬升後被水溶蝕、沖刷形成,不彰顯的串連起自然環境的有機形貌,並在不同動作的收放之間將自然帶進生活的原始面貌。
Upholding to the concept of circular economy and climate change of the environment, we use recycled materials, old objects, and waste to transform functional daily objects with technological methods.
The association between inadvertent actions and objects exists in a subtle form, achieving a dynamic balance between active and passive of daily life. We take the shape of stone forest as the image of the jewelry rack, limestones are eroded and washed away by water after the crustal uplift, therefore formed a magnificent terrain landscape. We hope that people might find the interaction with nature through the current use of object.