質物霽畫BOTANIPLAN VON LEE CHI|德國 iF Design Award 2022
iF International Forum Design iF Design 成立於 1953 年,前身為 Die Gute Industrieform e.V.,此後已成為卓越設計的全球象徵—— 一年一度的 iF 設計獎(iF DESIGN AWARD),這是全球最負盛名的設計獎項之一。
質物霽畫 以「RAW 」作品於 iF Design Award 2022獲得高度肯定。
「 Botaniplan Von Lee Chi has been in charge of the two Michelin star restaurant RAW's space planning and installation design in Taipei since 2018. In each space planning, Botaniplan Von Lee Chi not only explores the possibilities of the field but persistently expands the understanding of life and nature along with seasonal variations. Accordingly, those who go to RAW can have an immersive and aesthetic experience while enjoying their meal. 」