質物霽畫不僅是一個關於植物藝術的美學品牌,更希望與觀者產生共鳴,引導大眾對現今的社會現象進行討論。如同 FUTURE MUSEUM 這個系列作品,透過異於傳統思維的植物藝術表現,利用永生植物或人造材料,重現瀕危的地景地貌,提出世間自然之美即將消逝的警訊。質物霽畫企圖突破現今植物藝術的窠臼,讓花卉與植物不只是生活的裝飾,更可以帶來更多精神與哲學上的力量與養分。
BOTANIPLAN VON LICHT is not just about botanical aesthetics. We try to dig into the deepest matter that could touch the visitors’ minds. We wish that our work could not just be related to the beauty of plants, but to arouse discussions of social values. For example: FUTURE MUSEUM, in which we wish to alert about the extinction of the great beauty of nature. Apart from traditional floriculture, we use non-living materials to mimic natural sceneries. Its controversial appeals our intention to change the stereotype of floral and botanical art nowadays. In our opinions, floral and botanical art shouldn't be considered simply as space decor, but to bring us more power and energy we need, mentally or philosophically.
質物霽畫 BOTANIPLAN VON LEE CHI, Good Design Awards 2017 more info