從人類起源開始,自然界全面性地影響著人類的生活與文化資產,同時,人為的介入,經由社會結構、經濟策略、政治立場等驅動力,地景樣貌的發育過程,在速度上強制性地改變了自然的變遷與演化,而致今日全球暖化與極端氣候的出現。自然地景涵構地形、地質、土壤、植物、動物等的靜態與動態,源於自然萬物間的命脈。“The Missing Part”透過13件移植即將在這個地表因為環境的變遷而準備消失的物種,從他們生活棲息地的再現,讓我們從都市的框架之中,依舊有機會窺視這些即將消逝的自然之美。 在這個層次裡,我們掘取出正在面臨強制性轉變危機的生物棲息地,透過一道玻璃介面的連結,如同未來博物館中展示歷史物件一般,陳列著已經無法再次碰觸到的自然景觀。
Ever since the existence of mankind on earth, nature has influenced human life and cultural heritage. However, as social structure, economic strategy, and political position formed and evolved, earth has been forced to face a rapid change in its natural environment such as global warming. “The Missing Part” transplants 13 habitats of threatened species that are vulnerable to endangerment in the near future due to global environmental change. From terrain, geology, soil, plant to animal, every life form and substance within the connotation of landscape are lifeblood to Mother Nature; hence, by recreating particular natural landscapes, we will have the opportunity to pry into the possibly irretrievable beauty of nature in urban city. Through recapturing the habitat geology of endangered species, “The Missing Part” vividly links us to the possible future where natural environment could only be exhibited behind the windows.