[ 平實中的具體 ]

生命中努力的痕跡在潛意識裡被擴張與釋放, 初衷徘徊在低迴的幽谷,承受著失去與迷惘, 瓦解界線不被撂倒奔跑依靠,心臟狂跳驕傲。

_ The trace of effort expanses and explodes in subconscious. Even the first of me suffer from the lose and doubt, breaking all the boundaries without being knocked down and keeping running with enthusiastic heartbeat _

Artist| 林俊傑 JJ Lin

Photographer|@胡世山 sanhu Glass

Production| 春池玻璃 Spring Pool Glass

Art Installation| 質物霽畫

Graphic Design| 究方社(方序中、建龍吳)