[ ANIUS - Mandala of Mythos ]



The Taiwanese brand Canjune essential oil myth series is inspired by 12 myths and stories around the world: Sinbad, Wunzh, Jing-wei, Hind, Gilgamesh, Unicorn, Anasi, Vega, Aurora, Alikakay, Dionysos, Soma. The use of essential oils represents the profound meaning of each myth, carrying different stages of life situations. We incorporate the wisdom of these stories into the design of our products.

我們與視覺藝術家KUSTAA SAKSI合作,以他創作的12幅同名系列掛毯「神話 MYTHOLOGY」為靈感延伸。透過多重感官體驗設計,強化對神話系列的印象。描繪了KUSTAA所編織的地毯概念,並從設計細節中,呼應著織毯創作的形式。






The plant properties corresponding to the 12 myths in essential oil ingredients constitute the operation of the scent of essential oils and the sensory memory and experience of healing. One important message is how to converge and filter the indirectly extended symbols, allowing the symbols to become a significant focal point in the re-understanding of the content. The product's essential oil bottle is placed at the core, serving as the conclusion of the entire packaging opening process. Its purpose is to gather the essence of the essential oil extracted from nature, transforming the packaging into a nutrient that collects the environmental memory, similar to the mineral collection.


Art Director ___ @_.leechi._

Production ___ @Botaniplanvonleechi

Client |肯園



業務聯絡:質物霽畫 +886 2-2599-4373

Email: info@bvlc.world