[ Aura ]


< Chapter 01 . Diamond - Aura >

鑽石是大自然中珍稀獨特的瑰寶,歷經數十億年的淬煉和精準的的切割工藝才得以生成。 質物霽畫 將 DeBeers 製作鑽石作品的堅持與品牌背後所欲傳達的與大自然的連結,轉化成藝術品的根與養分。

以鑽石生成的三個階段『 樸實、雕琢、雋永 』作為藍本講述靈光的珍貴與可遇不可求,並以永續環保的材料重新建構出一系列以『 Arua 』為名的展品。

< Chapter 02 . Movement of Light - Rough >

After billions of years of squeezing, kimberlite with diamonds has been generated in geology, and the three-piece artwork in the display windows attempt to reproduce the original appearance of the diamond.
The green pieces of the artwork are separated after polymerization, with a glimmer of light, symbolizing the soul that is about to become a treasure in nature.
Material|EK board, Epoxy, Cement sand, Black Galaxy, Silica sand, Pulp, Charcoal, Dry plant, Cement paint
尺寸|300 x 80 x 40、130 x 110 x 30、90 x 130 x 30 cm


< Chapter 03 . Natural Beauty - Polish >

關於蛻變的階段是縝密而充滿詩意的, De Beers 依照每一顆原鑽獨一無二的純粹本質,選擇最完美呈現其璀璨火光與色澤的車工與鑲嵌方式。 『 Polish 』是充滿幾何性與邏輯性的美學探索,作品本體以蜿蜒恣意的姿態懸吊在空間之中,鏤空的結構有規律的彼此嫁接,金屬與透明材質的交錯增加了光運行的碰撞軌跡與可能性,嚴謹且細膩的穿透力試圖讓作品與光產生連帶與對話。

The stage of metamorphosis is meticulous and poetic. De Beers selects the most perfect method that presents its gloss and color according to the every unique diamonds. 『 Polish 』is an aesthetic exploration which is full of geometry and logic. The shape of the artwork is torturous in the middle of the space. The rigorous and delicate penetrability tries to make the work combine with the movement of light.
Material|ABS, PVC, Plaster, Thermoplastic, Acrylic, Wire, Cardboard, Dry plant, Accessories
尺寸|70 x 70 x 40 cm

< Chapter 04 . Gradual Proces - Eternal >

暗室之中的永恆,象徵鑽石在最終被生成後所凝聚出的狀態,它的堅忍已能超越時間的維度被珍藏。作品猶如一座遺世獨立的礦石島,在寧靜中閃動著靈光,亦做為一個載體,乘載著 De Beers 一件件等待被閱讀的珍寶。

The artwork is like an ore island with sense of isolation, flashing aura in serenity, also as a carrier to display jewelry pieces of De Beers.
Material|EK board, PU, Poly, Cement sand, Plaster, stainless steel, Copper foil, Dry plant, Cement paint
尺寸| 180 x 90 x 100 cm

客戶 Client |DeBeers

地點 Locate|台北

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