[ 視覺設計 | Graphic Designer ]

專案 project / 正職 full time /工讀 part-time

#徵才 #HIRING #視覺設計



As a Graphic Designer (Project, full time or part time) you will have a creative flair, relish working in a fast-paced environment and may be able to manage multiple project deliverables. 

The content of this job requires assisting the company's visual design matters, from basic image post-production to social layout organization, and recording the team's execution process. we also hope to participate in the production of works and execute the creation together with the team if conditions permit. In terms of matters at the level, it may be possible to assist with planning and ideation, communication back and forth with the printing factory, moving in and out of works, and there may also be opportunities to go on business trips to other places.

We hope this friend can have the ability to use software such as Photoshop, Lightroom, Illustrator, and InDesign. It would be great if you has photography experience and also likes to make things by hand. The most important thing is to be able to establish good communication with the team, be patient and efficient , work experience is preferred.

▍工作主要內容 Role

- 網頁/社群/作品版面整體發展企劃發想

- 平面設計/包裝設計

- 作品/商品拍攝

- 廠商及印刷發包接洽

- 依據專案內容製作設計提案​

- 協助其他交辦事務

- Web/community/work layout design

- Graphic Design/Packaging Design

- Work/product photography

- Contact manufacturers and printing outsourcing

- Design proposals based on project content​

- Assist with other assigned tasks

▍具備能力  Essential Knowledge/Experience

- 創意性思考

- 熟悉社交軟體操作內容 

- 熟悉 Photoshop、illustrator 軟體與其他平面設計相關軟體

- 可獨立作業及提案能力

- 良好的時間管理,指定時間內完成需求

- 良好的溝通與協調能力

- 勇於提出想法,解決問題

- 有耐心、細心並善於整合與歸納

- Good at creative thinking

- Experience with Social software operation

- Familiar with graphic design related software 

- independent project experience

- Self-directed, well organized, and detail oriented

- Produce creative guidelines to ensure consistency of brand and creative across all mediums.

▍加分條件(非必要) Other conditions (non-essential)

 - 其他設計軟體

- 動畫或影片剪輯

- 社群後台管理

- Other design software

- Animation or video clip

- Community background management

▍公司制度  Others

- 週休二日

- 勞健保與勞退雇主提撥

- 上班地點:台北市大同區(距離民權西路捷運站走路7分鐘左右)

- Company system is handled in compliance with government regulations.

- Company is located in Datong District, Taipei City

▍應徵方式 Apply now

- 請備妥履歷、作品集,寄到:info@bvlc.world

- 信件標題請註明「應徵 職位名稱:個人姓名」 

- 請附上簡短的自我介紹或應徵說明,讓我們更了解您的人格特質

- 未入選者恕不另行通知。

- Please prepare your resume and portfolio and send them to: info@bvlc.world

- Please indicate "Name of the position applied for: personal name" in the title of the letter 

- Please attach a brief self-introduction or application description to let us know more about your personality traits

- Those who are not selected will not be notified.


If you want to know more about our works before soliciting, you can click on our official website/IG/FB