-Tracking BVLC | March

[ Spring - Awakening From Hibernation ]


The ice and snow melt, and the air is saturated and moist. The first spring thunder falls, the soul revives, and the core buds expand from the seed coat, growing up in the water-saturated soil. The unknown initial state condenses at this moment. The moss is covered with stone steps, and the hyacinth and the daffodils bloom one after another. The scent of grass blend with the moist soil after the rain, becoming a familiar and distinct balance.
客戶 Client |RAW
攝影 Photographer|吳俊宏 Johnny Wu

-Tracking BVLC | Feburay - 2

[ Memorial ]

Using commemorative abstraction, designing on the division of the volume and reading; the stair of plants without gravity, like a poem with a smell. Let imagination linger in taste and thoughts.
客戶 Client|Simple Kaffa
攝影 Photographer|吳俊宏

-Tracking BVLC | Feburay -

[ Memorial ]



Using commemorative abstraction, designing on the division of the volume and reading; the stair of plants without gravity, like a poem with a smell. Let imagination linger in taste and thoughts.


客戶 Client|Simple Kaffa

攝影 Photographer|吳俊宏

-Tracking BVLC | January - 2

[ 華道 Ikebana ]
The experience of seeking beauty is like a ritual. There is only a process in the ceremony,

and the process will lead us to experience intimate spiritual creation. Every time you had a moment of epiphany,

you can discover more innate hidden values.
客戶 Client|肌膚之鑰
攝影 Photographer|吳俊宏

-Tracking BVLC | January -

[ 華道 Ikebana ]
The integrated elements are like silence. The ultimate perfection gives intermittent breathing. Under the regular sound of zooming, it responds to the eternal and rebirth that everyone pursues.
客戶 Client|肌膚之鑰
攝影 Photographer|吳俊宏