SHOPPING DESIGN AUGUEST 2018 August 6, 2018 Chun Hung Wu 比爾賈 x 李霽新影像對話錄一次從植物到次元的對談,從流行文化到音樂影像的碰撞,創作其實是一種商業工具還是理念的聖殿?穿著Raf Simons 的導演,以及Hermès 巴黎總部指定的藝術家,高手過招之餘,和我們一起在平面影像和立體空間裡進行一個穿梭次元的動作(誰能回得來?)。等高線以外者若有需要,請自行腦補!"A diverse conversation that spans from plants to outer dimensions, from mainstream culture to music and movies, presenting opposing opinions. The director sporting Raf Simons and the appointed artist of Hermes delve into the question of whether creation is a commercialized tool or sacred sanctuary of imagination. "