[ 製作專員 | Production ]

全職 Full time ( 優先 priority ) /工讀 part-time

#徵才 #HIRING #製作專員



The content of this job requires flexible and creative thinking ability, from taking on an assisting but not passive role, to conducting sample production and various media experiments, and possibly assisting in design ideas and purchasing of materials. If necessary, we also need to assist in the drawing of the contract.

we hope you has a pair of skillful hands, flexible thinking ability, and the ability to build infrastructure. The most important thing is to be able to establish good communication with the team and complete the delivery project patiently and efficiently. If you are interested in installation art, please feel free to contact us and please be sure to attach your work. Collection, which allows us to learn more about your personal characteristics.

▍工作主要內容 Role

- 協助製作並執行專案項目

- 發包製作、廠商溝通協調

- 進場、撤場執行

- 協助其他交辦事務

- Installation art structure design and production

- Work with proofing and testing

- Assist with other assigned tasks

▍具備能力  Essential Knowledge/Experience

- 工業設計、建築、空間、藝術、設計相關科系畢業

- 1年以上相關工作經驗

- 具備複合媒材加工技術與應用的基本能力

- 立體造型的結構操作建立

- 靈巧細膩的手作能力

- 時間管理,有效率地在指定時間內完成需求

- 優秀的手繪或3D表現技法

- Industrial design, architecture, space, art, design related majors or related work experience

- Over 1 years of relevant design experience

- Good knowledge of properly allocate process projects

- Strong creative ideas

- Excellent hand-drawing or 3D expression techniques

- Good knowledge of material processing and technical experimental capabilities

- Experience with structural operation establishment of three-dimensional shapes

- Strong creative ideas

- Good at craft skills

▍期望特質  Desirable Skills

- 處事邏輯條理, 與主管及工作夥伴保持良好溝通

- 勇於提出想法,解決問題

- Good with communication, logical thinking and organized handling

- Good problem diagnostic and problem solving skills.

▍加分條件(非必要) Other conditions (non-essential)

- 熟悉 3D 軟體操作 (e.g.,CAD/Sketchup/PS/AI/3D MAX/Rhinno.)

- 影像拍攝經驗

- 家具、家飾製作知識或經驗

- 有汽車或機車駕照

- Experience with 3D software operation (e.g.,CAD/Sketchup/PS/AI/3D MAX/Rhinno.) 

- Experience with photography

- Experience with Knowledge or experience in making furniture and home furnishings

▍公司制度  Others

- 週休二日

- 勞健保與勞退雇主提撥

- 上班地點:台北市大同區(距離民權西路捷運站走路7分鐘左右)

- Company system is handled in compliance with government regulations.

- Company is located in Datong District, Taipei City

▍應徵方式 Apply now

- 請備妥履歷、作品集,寄到:info@bvlc.world

- 信件標題請註明「應徵 職位名稱:個人姓名」 

- 請附上簡短的自我介紹或應徵說明,讓我們更了解您的人格特質

- 未入選者恕不另行通知。

- Please prepare your resume and portfolio and send them to: info@bvlc.world

- Please indicate "Name of the position applied for: personal name" in the title of the letter 

- Please attach a brief self-introduction or application description to let us know more about your personality traits

- Those who are not selected will not be notified.


If you want to know more about our works before soliciting, you can click on our official website/IG/FB