[ World tour - Land]


現實條件不如彈指之間方便,卻使得探索的慾望更加蠢蠢欲動。 世界的流轉讓我們細嗅正在發芽的呼吸與暢快

Returning to the original appearance of simplicity, the reality is not convenience like a blip, however, it makes the desire to explore and the yearning for understanding more eager. The journey makes us pay more attention to the sprouting breathing and comfort.

【 World tour Land - 01 】

【 World tour - Land - 02 】


The entity physical limitations will be overthrow, growth pure awareness and pondering, such as the hints and truth that nature has told us.

【 World tour Land - 03 】

【 World tour Land - 04 】

【 World tour Land - 05 】


About permanence and existence, that the evolutionary biological experience overlaps and never possesses precipitation.

【 World tour Land - 06 】

【 World tour Land - 07 】