[ 折射|Refraction ]

一種常見的物理現象,指當物體或波動由一種媒介斜射入另一種媒介造成速度改變而引起角度上的偏移。光從一種介質進入另一種具有不同折射率之介質,或者在同一種介質中折射率不同的部分運行時,由於波速的差異,使光的運行方向改變的現象。折射中產生動態性的轉移,讓切割出的幾何形體延展出不規則的體態,延續對於空間中具有歷史時間的紋理以及作品精準的演算,共存於預計放置的裝置個性中,成為一種內涵上的意象,同時成為可承載Pan Jewelry作品的載體。

refraction is a common physical phenomenon that occurs when wavelengths travel from a medium with a given refractive index to a medium with another at an oblique angle. At the boundary between the media, the wave's phase velocity is altered, causing a change in direction. When light travels between mediums, the direction of light travels due to the difference in wave speed. The alteration of waves, results in the irregularity of shapes, acts as extension of the stories told through space and time. Cohabiting the space, the installation presents itself as a metaphor that is allusive to Pan Jewelry’s works.

“Letting light find its own rhythm.“

Something Old
Something New
Something Borrowed
Something Blue


Client:璞安 Pans
Director:Jennifer Lu
Lighting Design:李意瞬 I-Shun Lee
photography:王鴻駿 Hung-Chun Wang
Installation / set:李霽&團隊 Lee Chi & Group
Gallery:藝料之外 Wonder Space


. 折射的定義在文化的交流之下,總會產生許多有趣的變化和刺激。每一篇經典的文學都具有涵蓋著養育作者筆下的背景,每一條城市的巷弄中滋養民生日常,每一道美食滿足著地方的口。所謂的經典,在時間的流動中找尋著不變的恆常,感染每個世代的情感以及對於生命中那些值得被擁有的美好,沒有矯情與刻意,而是將最真摯的溫度濃縮,在傳遞的給予交流裡給上溫暖的擴散。
The meaning of refraction evolves through the stimulation of different influences in culture, resulting in interesting and exciting new changes. Classical literature has the ability to illustrate the author’s creative contexts, enliven the streets of everyday life, and portray the cuisine of one’s place. Timelessness, refers to the withstanding of time and fashion, its unwavering qualities that present themselves in centuries of lives that stands its ground. It is pure, genuine, effortless and the impression of warmth as it meanders through society.


. 豐富繁華的光折,連貫沒有停歇的視覺幻花。華麗的鑲嵌在於具有節制地收斂,繁花的造型像是細雨如同羽毛般輕觸著嬰兒的肌膚,無聲息地粉化成珠光色澤,一圈扣合一圈,在巔峰輝煌的時代裡保留了雅緻的氣質。細微角度修飾光的柔軟,再轉譯的語言裡找尋到歸屬。
Light, and its illusional qualities bring an abundance of delights through its ceaseless nature. Its extravagant nature exudes constraint exercised in the bountiful use of flowers that have the ability to transform itself like the way feathers caress a baby’s skin with its soft glow. As each band loops around one another, it radiates elegance within the lavish qualities of our time.


. 牽繫彼此,纖細的情感顫動,作品中將轉折的表麵糊上一層微光,如同絲帶滑過手腕時的觸覺,敏感的精緻與微觀的細節,體現古典中那種結構的對比、場域的尺度、過往時代中遺留的各種典故,細細敘事美好寓意下的見證。
The longing for one another, the slightest reminisce of emotions. At each turn of the piece, a soft glow surfaces, like silk gliding across one’s wrist, soft and smooth. Its close attention to detail, and the tactful use of light, accentuates the classical juxtaposition between structure and space. Leaving us to witness the classical touch of centuries before us that has fostered beauty.


. 所有物質的變動和平衡,都是緊密編織的結果,幻化的推動潛行沒有聲響的音量,陪伴沒有刻意的語言,責任是發自內心的體貼,自然而不為的本質順應著整個宇宙的給予,毫無額外的贅詞,如此發展出看似突發的形式裡,卻隱匿在對於自然觀察下的體現和經驗。
At the transformation of each material, it seeks a balance that results in an interwoven result. The evolving makes no distinct chatter, like quiet companionship that excludes pompous language, where each interaction is genuine and thoughtful. The way the universe has nurtured and given, presenting itself in the metamorphosis of quiet observations.