[ 時間的縫隙 Seam Sew ]


< 第一篇章 Khepri - 凝結的動態光影 Chapter 1 - Dynamic Light and Shadow of Condensation >

呼應了「 Aton 」作品之古埃及意象,古埃及有顯著的星神崇拜文化,當時也發展出相當水準的的占星學與天文學,此作品結合占星學概念並延展了天花空間的幾何,在垂直向度的關係裡增加了一個具有平衡機制的位移, 運用如日晷的設計如同跨越了埃及時代與現代的交會點。

It echoes the image of ancient Egypt in Aton's works. Ancient Egypt had a prominent culture of star worship. At that time, it also developed a fairly high level of astrology and astronomy. This work combines astrological concepts and extends the geometry of smallpool space. It adds a displacement with a balancing mechanism in the vertical relationship. The design of sundial, like a sundial, is like a meeting between Egyptian era and modern times.

材料 Meterial |黃銅、金屬零件、植物材料 brass, mental components, plants

< 第二篇章 Aton - 日月星辰的流體 Chapter 2 - Fluids of Sun, Moon and Stars ]


Combining the elements of Egyptian sun god worship with the image of astronomical stars surrounded, the rocks below echo the celestial and terrestrial stars, and the circular corridor creates an ornamental line and lingering vocabulary. In addition to symbolizing a center of gravity, the size of the measuring body also creates visual fragments, allowing the device to flexibly connect different angles of vision and become the speed and node reflecting the flow of the river in the historical torrent.

材料 Meterial |金屬、織品、紙漿、混凝土、植物材料 mental, fabric, pulp, concrete, plants

< 第三篇章 Khons - 光之折返 Chapter 3 - The Return of Light >


The key element of the famous painting "Girl with Pearl Earrings" - Pearl and the use of the shell's shining photorefraction together to interpret the turning curve, infinite extension of the sense of space, increase the overall flexibility of vertical and horizontal.

材料 Meterial | 鐵絲、PVC、植物 iron wire, PVC, plants

< 第四篇章 Imhotep - 蒼穹中的記憶堆疊 >


The geometric space extending the ceiling adds a displacement with balancing mechanism in the vertical dimension. The memory of other floors in the experience of walking in series is like fragments of memory in different times, reflecting the synchronicity in parallel universe and the connection between the present and the future.

材料 Meterial | 紅銅 copper


客戶 Client |LANOU hotel

地點 Locate|青島 QingDao

攝影 Photographer|王昱 Wang yu

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