[ Serendipity ]


The theme of this year's Eslite Members' Day, "Imagine the Good", was subconsciously linked to the consumer experience we get as members in the Eslite space. Wandering through the book-filled corridors, picking up a novel, touching the spine, casually flipping the pages and reading a few paragraphs. The article happens to describe a movie you saw the day before; or you accidentally lift it up, a reference book in front of you, offering a variety of solutions to your recent problems.



Material|wood, acrylic, PVC, Poly, Epoxy, cardboard, wax, plaster, EK board, cement, dry plant, paint

尺寸|w140xh150xd70 cm

『偶然力Serendipity』,此詞源自於十四世紀的波斯神話《The Three Princes of Serendip》,描述錫蘭國王計畫磨鍊三位王子,於是讓他們徒步旅行各地,培養對應偶發事務的處理能力;而這三位王子總是能靠著意外和智慧發現一些蛛絲馬跡,進而解決問題。後來十八世紀時,英國作家Horace Walpole在某次機緣下買到一幅他渴望已久的肖像畫,而且還無意間找到了非常適合它的畫框,一連串偶然的驚喜發現,讓他想起了《The Three Princes of Serendip》的故事。所以他在寫給好友的信中,創造了Serendipity這個詞,來表達「因為一連串的巧合,巧妙地發現了原本未刻意探究的珍奇事物」這份心情。


"Serendipity", this word is derived from the 14th-century Persian myth “The Three Princes of Serendip”. Later, in 1754, coined by Horace Walpole, suggested by the title of a fairy tale in which the heroes “were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things they were not in quest of”.

To synthesize the imagery and insight brought by the word Serendipity, we set the outline of the installation in two transformed “pop-up books”. On the left and right walls, we designed two works with both "flipping space" and "story structure", using the spatial and narrative aspects of books and knowledge as the two main axes to extend the form and direction.



Material|wood, acrylic, Poly, Epoxy, AH Lightweight Insulation Block, paper, charcoal, fabric, cement, silica sand, paint

尺寸|w140xh150xd70 cm