Red Dot Design Award 2022

質物霽畫BOTANIPLAN VON LEE CHI|2022 Red Dot Design Award「Brands & Communication Design」

Red Dot Design Award 2022

德國紅點設計獎(Red Dot Design Award)於1955年創立,為當今國際規模最大、最具影響力的設計獎項之一。

質物霽畫以室內設計「Filter」獲得「Brands & Communication Design」肯定。

「Filter」是位於台北信義誠品二樓的法國工藝香氛品牌MAD et LEN專賣店,同時也是該品牌在海外第一家分店。

香氛品牌MAD et LEN發跡地法國東南部小鎮,為保留該品牌充滿人文與大自然生氣勃勃的環境魅力,以及展現品牌傳統工藝的迷人模樣,團隊將大型雕塑概念融入空間的架構中,投入思考如何在材質選擇上,能夠承載土地精神與勾勒出氣味的形體,同時保以簡約詩意空間,回應MAD et LEN 的品牌精神與哲學思考。透過光影的流動、波浪紋理建築媒材的結合打造出充滿粗曠氣息、感性的律動氛圍,同時保有神秘幻想的商業空間。

The work "Filter" is the first overseas business space designed by BOTANIPLAN VON LEE CHI (BVLC) Artistic Director LEE CHI for the well-known French fragrance brand MAD et LEN.

MAD et LEN mainly sells candles, diffusers, and fragrances. As the first overseas store in Taiwan, Lee Chi has been thinking about how to choose materials that can carry the spirit of the land and outline the shape of the smell and then chose cement and black iron as the main body of the space.

For Taiwan, cement has a historical context of change and transformation in the architectural vocabulary and also represents the memory of most Taiwanese people's life. Lee Chi tries to use the rough texture of cement material to interpret the space by arranging the history of land development. At the same time, it translates the interface carrier of the building to carry the smell, delicately handles the balance of the virtual and the real in the space, and continues the spirit of the brand.


質物霽畫團隊將大型雕塑的概念融入空間,除了轉化MAD et LEN對極簡質樸的信念,設計團隊選擇在介面、牆面上去增加流動性,讓空間是有光承載的介質,透過光影去創造陰




BOTANIPLAN VON LEE CHI transformed MAD et LEN's belief in simplicity. The design team chose to add fluidity to the interface and walls, making the space a medium with light, creating shadows and bright, solid and virtual changes through light and shadow. At the same time, the black of coal is used as the overall space concept, and cement and black iron are used as the keynote of the space to make the product itself more prominent and arouse people's imagination of fragrance. The neatly arranged objects in the space show the aesthetic in the details, evoking the bold dreams of the audience through a poetic experience.
