The state of winter is full of moisture. From the entrance, it adjust warm and condense the moist soil. The candlelight representing the festive atmosphere, and the melting time of candles is swinging. Through the melting liquid, feeling the muggy of Taipei, and turn into figurative device sculptures.
From the left side of the entrance, the work is thick, such as the rough surface of the road and the dark luster of the rhizome. To the right side, it is like the sour cream, melting in the rich and aromatic mouth. The bicycle and the kitchen island area as the gradient of time, and adding the refreshing and sour taste of the spring in the color to connect to awaken life. About the corner of the seating area and the toilet installations, try to let the water vapor stay in the gap. In the niche area, The flowing water candle cover the main plant object, like the silky texture of mousse, full of of happiness..
[ Check In ] - 旅行是一種儀式,當坐上計程車前往機場的那一刻 ,我們就已經開始期待接下來即將要發生的一切。 - Travel is a ceremony. The moment you took a taxi to an airport , we were already expecting what is going to happen. - Client: ANIUS 肯園 - _ 攝影 Photographer|李霽 LEECHI 攝影後製 Retouching|吳俊宏 Johnny Wu _
-Tracking BVLC | October - [ Course ] - 『 移轉和時空場域的重疊,串連起在實際場域的錯置。』 The overlap of the transition and spatiotemporal fields, it concatenated in the actual field whom misplaced. - Client: MIMO, Xiamen 廈門, 中國 - _ 攝影 Photographer|李霽 LEECHI 攝影後製 Retouching|吳俊宏 Johnny Wu _
-Tracking BVLC | Octobor - [ Green Infrastructure ] - 『 在這裡,堆疊出片刻的停歇。』 - Green infrastructure can be considered a conceptual framework for understanding the "valuable services nature provides the human environment. - Client: Hotel Indigo 新竹 攝影 Photographer|李霽 LEECHI 攝影後製 Retouching|吳俊宏 Johnny Wu _