螢幕快照 2021-01-08 下午3.22.38.png


“Don’t be doubtful, my given name is “Lee Chi”. “Chi” in Chinese stands for “the sun after the rain”, where as my brother’s name is “Lee Lin”. “Lin” means “the rain after a drought”. Both of our names have “Yu” which stands for rain, however our names hold very different parts of the natural water cycle. It was as if Lee Chi was meant to create art with materials from nature at the moment he was given his name.”

螢幕快照 2021-01-08 下午3.22.59.png


“聊到最喜歡的作品,李霽立刻就憶起2015年為高雄駁二藝術特區所作的《the PAIN》。當時整個團隊很年輕、經費有限、卻大膽地孤注一擲、花光所有錢和資源,將『蠟』與『植物』結合,完成了充滿張力的作品,深刻低討論『痛』這個人人都體會過、卻難以言喻的滋味。一般人對花卉植栽的印象是浪漫歡快的,李霽卻選擇以悲傷的方式來詮釋:『植物有很多不同的情緒,我希望可以呈現一種別人沒辦法看到的面貌。』


Speaking of his favorite work, Lee Chi immediately recalled a piece he had made in 2015 called “the PAIN”. At the time, the whole team was very young, with limited funds, they took a leap of faith, expending all their funds and resources to create the piece. The combination of wax and plants created a piece full of tension, that explored the idea of “pain”. Pain is something that everyone experiences, yet may be hard to put to words at times. Many people's’ impression of plants are romantic and joyous, however, Lee Chi chose to depict these plants to express sorrow. “Plants have different emotions, I hope to express them in ways people can’t recognize”.

However, pain is only a small part of what inspires Lee Chi to create work. Where the core of what supports his work is “Love”, believing that love is everywhere and around everyone. Humbling himself to allow voices of others to be heard, using his acute sensibilities as an artist, Lee Chi has found a space for emotions to be able to be heard. Even if the space is narrow, it awaits audiences to slowly experience it.