「質物霽畫對環境議題感興趣,或許沒辦法以生物科學的方式呈現,但是我們可以用美學來表達,並且去回應、討論我們所面臨的生態問題:《未來博物館 Future Museum》讓我們做到環境關懷,也是我們這階段的里程碑。」李霽分享質物霽畫製作過程中,曾遇到粉絲表示這些作品好像只是把環保掛在嘴邊,二非實際關心環境。符合感受環境的狀態,促使質物霽畫訂出了今年的主軸——環境閱讀,從各樣的美學及直覺去探索身邊環境,透過可行的模式與態度實踐環保,並且秉持亙古不變的道理——源於自然。
Botaniplan Von Lee Chi’s interest in environmental issues may not be explained through scientific formulas and research, however, we have continuously used art as a form of expression to talk about our environment. <Future Museum> gave us a platform to raise awareness for environmental causes, which was also a milestone for us. Lee Chi shared that some fans had posed inquiry about whether our attention to environmental issues was justs a farce, lacking genuine care in what we were doing, which was what lead to a goal this year for Botaniplan Von Lee Chi, which was to read and educate ourselves widely about the environment, through different angles such as art and instinct for our surroundings. Taking feasible and reasonable steps for raising awareness of our environment, we resort back to nature as our unwavering source of inspiration.