質物VS植物 複合異材質裝置藝術作品當中採用大量複合媒材質拼接,「材質可以讓人勾起使用的記憶,材料有太多可能與潛力」,<Fling- 日常爆發> 為塑造辦公室空間與朝九晚五生活,採用鋁料、矽酸鈣板、日光燈管、植物、紙張以及皮件等,建構材質符號與既定印象的連結、籍以表達上班族潛在且浮動的內在思緒。「我不是專業的植物學家,但植物對我來說是最真實的存在,是世界的肺,轉換二氧化碳為空氣,我喜歡這種轉換的感覺,根莖的氣味是從泥土裡面汲取養分,這部分讓我十分著迷」,現代城市可以解釋為資本主義與…

質物VS植物 複合異材質裝置藝術


<Fling- 日常爆發> 為塑造辦公室空間與朝九晚五生活,採用鋁料、矽酸鈣板、日光燈管、植物、紙張以及皮件等,建構材質符號與既定印象的連結、籍以表達上班族潛在且浮動的內在思緒。「我不是專業的植物學家,但植物對我來說是最真實的存在,是世界的肺,轉換二氧化碳為空氣,我喜歡這種轉換的感覺,根莖的氣味是從泥土裡面汲取養分,這部分讓我十分著迷」,現代城市可以解釋為資本主義與科技的產物,幾乎脫離環視自然的生存運作模式,從至味根源擷取養分延續生命的面向出發,從最初的質地激發出可能性與未來畫面,因此創作最初必須了解所有的始與末、需求與目的。與愛馬仕合作作品 <FUTURE MUSEuM - 未來博物館> ,以環保為主題探討全球暖化與極端氣候問題,透過未來主義呈現13中瀕危絕種的物種與自然環境,團隊運用建築構面為基礎,加上國外植物永生技術和細膩工藝美感,闡述也許兩百年以後只能從博物館看到絕跡的地景地貌,籍此喚醒大眾對於環境議題的正視。


This piece was created using a lot of mixed media materials. “Materials and textures have the ability to allow us to recall certain things, or memories, this is why materials have so much potential”. Using aluminum, calcium silicate boards, uv light bulbs, plants, papers and leather pieces to create the environment of an office and an allusion to the 9-5 working time in <Fling-The Daily Explosion> . The structures and symbolism of the piece resonates with the emotions of workers that have to work from 9 to 5 everyday.

“I am no professional botanical scientist, however, to me, plants hold a firm reality.  They are ingrained in our lives. They are the lungs of our earth, they hold the ability to transform CO2 into oxygen, where this transformation fascinates me”. The modern city can be understood as a capitalist ideal along with the advancements of technology, straining way from nature and its original way of life. From the way plants receive nutrients from their roots, to expand their lives in an upward growth, from the most inherit ideals that have informed my artistic practice. Where it is important to understand the beginnings and ends, the demand and reason for its existence. The collaboration with Hermes <Future Museum> emphasizes the importance of our environment, and our efforts to promote preservations and conservation, and shine light on issues like Global warming and extreme climate changes. Using a futuristic mindset, thirteen near extinct organisms and natural environments were explored and displayed as an art installation. These works illustrate our future, were in two hundred years, the only way to see our natural environment is through museums, no longer tangible in our daily lives. These works are meant to raise awareness for our environment.