- Tracking BVLC | July - 4

[ 花 / 華 ]


ChunHua, useing of complex traditional forms and intensive shapes to create the focus of space, condensing modern people's imagination and interpretation of "Hua". Under the framework of classical tradition, artworks will have a relationship with the simple space, and use their respective meanings and blessings to give a new look to the luxurious Chinese culture.



客戶 Client |BAO XIANG 富錦樹台菜香檳包廂

攝影 Photographer|鄭弘敬



-Tracking BVLC | July - 3

-BVLC | July -

[ Under Water, Upon Sky ]

此件裝置對應了As within, so without; as above, so below.「如其在內,如其在外;如其在上,如其在下。」這句話代表著古代煉金術的宇宙觀。

宏觀於宇宙之大與微觀之細胞、靈魂的對應中發掘看似對立二元的事物是一個整體, 在物質世界的邊界中,我們不斷在追尋的過程裡必須藉由潛意識與意識之間的橋樑才能被覺知,心物如一,而一即一切。

The work is the underwater city called "Underwater, Upon Sky", which corresponds to "As within, so without; as above, so below. This sentence represents the cosmology of ancient alchemy.

At the macroscopically level, explores the seemingly opposite duality in the correspondence between the universe and the microscopic cells and souls. To be aware, in the boundary of the material world, we must constantly bridge the gap between subconsciousness and consciousness in the process of pursuing. Mind and matter as one, and one is everything.


客戶 Client |水相事務所 Aqua Healthy Clinic

策展 Curator|水相設計 Waterfromdesign

地點 Locate|北京 Beijing

攝影 Photographer|LenmuG


-Tracking BVLC | July - 2

[ 視 幻 花 Flowery Illusion ]

質物圖鑑 Bontaniplan von Illustration




::: 演 出 時 間 :::
每日11:00 - 21:30
→ 視幻花,每15分鐘變換型態
→ 脊 蕨,每30分鐘變換型態

【 誠品 30 信義藝術計畫 eslite 30th Anniversary 】

展覽策劃 Curator|誠品eslite
藝術家 Artist|李霽 Lee Chi
協力製作團隊 Subcontractor|質物霽畫團隊 BotaniplanVonLeeChi
動力機械 power machine|穀米機工廠 Gu mi factory

展期 Date|2019.6.28 - 7.28
地點 Place|誠品信義店 eslitexinyi 4F


-Tracking BVLC | July -

[ 脊 蕨 Spine Fern ]

質物圖鑑 Bontaniplant von Illustration




::: 演 出 時 間 :::
每日11:00 - 21:30
→ 視幻花,每15分鐘變換型態
→ 脊 蕨,每30分鐘變換型態

【 誠品 30 信義藝術計畫 eslite 30th Anniversary 】

展覽策劃 Curator|誠品eslite
藝術家 Artist|李霽 Lee Chi
協力製作團隊 Subcontractor|質物霽畫團隊 BotaniplanVonLeeChi(李嘉欣、劉如茵、王尹君、江蕎勤、吳彤、卓冠宏)
動力機械 power machine|穀米機工廠 Gu mi factory
攝影|Johnnp Wu

展期 Date|2019.6.28 - 7.28
地點 Place|誠品信義店 eslitexinyi 4F


-Tracking BVLC | April -

-Tracking BVLC | April -

|HUSH x Lee Chi|

[ 大樹小花 Have You Been There?]


The meaning of the tree lies in the memory of growing up. People, things and events around us have always quietly entered our memory in daily life. Therefore, when they finally disappear some day, we feel sad, helpless and despondent; however, our feelings, like that old mango tree, have taken roots deep within us, occasionally dancing with the wind and causing ripples in our hearts.

攝影 Photographer|吳俊宏 Johnny Wu



Where Have All The Flowers Gone

These Flowers. Musical Memory & Art Exhibition



週二至週日 10:00–18:00,週一休館


Officail Website : https://bvlc.world


#HUSHxLeeChi #HUSH #HaveYouBeenThere #WhereHaveAllTheFlowersGone

#art #installation #plant #artwork #nature #exhibition

#藝術 #植物 #視覺 #作品 #自然 #展覽 #植物裝置

#アート #オブジェ #インストレーション #ランドスケープ

#botaniplanvonleechi #BVLC #LeeChi

#質物霽畫 #李霽
